Khind Bread Maker BM750 Review

Khind Bread Maker BM750 Review
Khind Bread Maker BM750 Review

Another quality product from a local electrical and electrical company to make fluffy bread with this all -new Khind Bread Maker BM750.

In a previous entry we have made a review about Khind Robotic Vacuum VC9X6A which simplifies the job of cleaning floor dust in your home. And now that the floor of your house is clean, you can make something worthwhile like making your own bread.

The best products from Khind, a trusted local brand in Malaysia and internationally.

With a beautiful design and comes in a pink panther color makes the kitchen utensils really charming. Let’s get info and technical sheets about this bread maker.

Khind Bread Maker BM750 Features

There are 14 menu presets that you can choose from to make bread easily and safely. You can choose menus such as soft bread, sweet bread, French bread and sugar-free bread. In addition, other presets that you can choose are rapid bread, graham bread, buttered toast, delicious jam and multigrain bread.

You can also choose the function of rapid knead dough and soft cakes. Other presets you can try are bake and heat, yogurt and ferment dough. All of these menu presets allow you to quickly make bread to your liking.

Did you know?

Khind Bread Maker BM750 has 14 presets menu to choose and it is non-stick ceramic coated too!

Non-Stick Ceramic Coated

The Non-Stick Ceramic Coated available on the Khind Bread Maker BM750 allows you to make bread perfectly without the dough sticking to the barrel. What is interesting is that it is also free from PFOA which does not contain toxic chemicals such as Teflon-based non-stick coating. So, this appliance is really safe to use for you.

Khind Bread Maker BM750 Review
One of the popular product in market is Khind Bread Maker BM750.

Features of Khind Bread Maker BM750

Among the features available on this bread maker are as follows: –

  1. High durability bread barrel with high quality ceramic coating. You don’t have to worry about stirring because the non-stick coating is scratch resistant.
  2. Has 14 menu presets that you can choose from.
  3. 15 minutes power interruption backup system.
  4. Bake bread with 2 settings, light and dark.
  5. Can make 2 sizes of bread, namely 500 grams and 750 grams.
  6. Has a START/ STOP function to pause.
  7. Memory function: if the electricity is suddenly cut off while the bread maker is operating (for a short period of time), this appliance has a “restore” function to resume the operation that stopped earlier.

Technical Sheet

This product has a power of 520 watts and can hold bread with a capacity of up to 750 grams. Weighing 4.5 kilograms it has a dark crust setting. The only color offered at the moment is rose.

Recipe Book

This product comes with a recipe book on how to make bread.

Product Pricing and Warranty

In terms of appliance warranty, Khind provides 1 year warranty. You can get Khind Bread Maker BM750 by buying online at Khind Online Store (100% genuine product).

The price offered after discount is RM322.90 and 3 simple installment payments of RMRM107.63 can be made.

Basic Step of Making Bread Using Khind Bread Maker BM750

Here are the steps to use this tool: –

  1. Before using the appliances for the first time, please spread a layer of oil, select “Bake & Heat” function and bake for 10 minutes. Some smokes may appear but this is normal. After 10 minutes, stop baking, unplug the plug and clean it.
  2. After it gets cool, then the bread maker is ready for the next use.
  3. Wash and clean the bread barrel and stirrer, make them dry.
  4. Position the stirrer on to the shaft in the bottom of the bread barrel.
  5. Add ingredients to the bread barrel in the order listed in the recipe.
  6. Insert the bread barrel, turn right to lock into place. (plug in the bread maker’s power cord. A beep sound is an indicator when power on).
  7. Close the lid and select function on the control panel and press star, then wait for the cooking to be completed.
  8. When the cooking is done, you may hear the alert sound like “di..di..di..di ..” and the LCD will display 0:00. Turn the bread maker off by holding START/STOP button down to turn the machine to standby mode. Unplug the cord from the electrical outlet, remove the bread and let it dry for 10 minutes. The bread is ready to serve.

Khind Bread Maker BM750 Final Results

Khind Bread Maker BM750 is the answer for you who want to try to make your own bread at home. With a good value price, you can have it without thinking twice. With easy instalment payments offered at Khind Online Store, do not hesitate to own these easy-to-use kitchen appliances. Making bread is no longer a difficult affair with the Khind Bread Maker BM750. Get it now!

Alright, let’s get a review of the next kitchen appliance product which is the Khind 52L Electric Oven OT5205 on the next entry.

Mengenai Khind Bread Maker BM750

Bahasa Melayu: Satu lagi produk berkualiti dari syarikat elektrik dan elektrikal tempatan untuk membuat roti yang gebu dengan Khind Bread Maker BM750 yang serba baru ini.

Pada entri yang sebelumnya kita telah membuat ulasan mengenai Khind Robotic Vacuum VC9X6A yang memudahkan kerja membersihkan habuk lantai di rumah anda. Dan sekarang apabila lantai rumah anda sudah bersih, anda bolehlah membuat sesuatu yang berfaedah seperti membuat roti sendiri.

Produk terbaik dari Khind, sebuah jenama tempatan yang dipercayai di Malaysia dan peringkat antarabangsa.

Dengan rekabentuk yang cantik dan didatangkan dengan warna merah jambu pink panther menjadikan perkakas dapur sungguh menawan. Mari kita dapatkan info dan lembaran teknikal mengenai perkakas membuat roti ini.

Ciri-ciri Khind Bread Maker BM750

Terdapat 14 preset menu yang boleh anda pilih untuk membuat roti dengan mudah dan selamat. Anda boleh pilih menu seperti soft bread, sweet bread, French bread dan sugar-free bread. Selain itu preset lain yang boleh anda pilih adalah rapid bread, graham bread, buttered toast, delicious jam dan multigrain bread.

Ada juga boleh memilih fungsi rapid knead dough dan soft cakes. Bake and heat, yogurt dan ferment dough juga boleh anda pilih. Kesemua preset menu ini membolehkan anda membuat roti dengan cepat mengikut kesukaan anda.

Non-Stick Ceramic Coated

Non-Stick Ceramic Coated yang terdapat pada Khind Bread Maker BM750 membolehkan anda membuat roti dengan sempurna tanpa adunan melekat pada tong (barrel). Apa yang menariknya ialah ia juga bebas dari PFOA iaitu tidak mengandungi bahan kimia yang bertoksid seperti lapisan non-stick berasaskan Teflon. Jadi perkakas ini selamat digunakan untuk anda.

Ciri-ciri Khind Bread Maker BM750

Antara ciri-ciri yang terdapat pada bread maker ini adalah seperti berikut: –

  1. Tong roti yang mempunyai ketahanan tinggi dengan lapisan ceramic berkualiti tinggi. Anda tidak perlu khuatir untuk mengacau (stir) kerana lapisan non-stick tahan calar.
  2. Mempunyai 14 preset menu yang boleh anda pilih.
  3. 15 minit power interruption backup system.
  4. Membakar roti dengan 2 tetapan iaitu terang dan gelap (light and dark).
  5. Boleh membuat 2 saiz roti iaitu 500 gram dan 750 gram.
  6. Mempunyai fungsi START/ STOP untuk berhenti seketika (pause).
  7. Fungsi memori: jika tiba-tiba elektrik terputus semasa bread maker ini sedang beroperasi (for a short period of time), perkakas ini mempunyai fungsi “restore” untuk menyambung operasi yang terhenti tadi.

Lembaran Teknikal

Produk ini mempunyai kuasa 520 watt dan boleh memuatkan roti dengan kapasiti sehingga 750 gram. Berat 4.5 kilogram mempunyai tetapan kerak gelap (dark crust setting). Warna yang ditawarkan buat masa ini hanyalah rose.

Buku Resepi

Produk ini didatangkan dengan buku resepi cara-cara membuat roti.

Harga dan Jaminan Produk

Dari segi jaminan perkakas pula, Khind memberikan 1 tahun jaminan. Anda boleh mendapatkan Khind Bread Maker BM750 dengan membeli secara atas talian di Khind Online Store (produk 100% tulen).

Harga yang ditawarkan selepas diskaun ialah RM322.90 dan 3 kali bayaran ansuran mudah sebanyak RMRM107.63 boleh dilakukan.

Cara Membuat Roti Menggunakan Khind Bread Maker BM750

Berikut adalah langkah-langkah menggunakan perkakas ini: –

  1. Before using the appliances for the first time, please spread a layer of oil, select “Bake & Heat” function and bake for 10 minutes. Some smokes may appear but this is normal. After 10 minutes, stop baking, unplug the plug and clean it.
  2. After it gets cool, then the bread maker is ready for the next use.
  3. Wash and clean the bread barrel and stirrer, make them dry.
  4. Position the stirrer on to the shaft in the bottom of the bread barrel.
  5. Add ingredients to the bread barrel in the order listed in the recipe.
  6. Insert the bread barrel, turn right to lock into place. (plug in the bread maker’s power cord. A beep sound is an indicator when power on).
  7. Close the lid and select function on the control panel and press star, then wait for the cooking to be completed.
  8. When the cooking is done, you may hear the alert sound like “di..di..di..di..” and the LCD will display 0:00. Turn the bread maker off by holding START/STOP button down to turn the machine to standby mode. Unplug the cord from the electrical outlet, remove the bread and let it dry for 10 minutes. The bread is ready to serve.

Keputusan Akhir Khind Bread Maker BM750

Khind Bread Maker BM750 adalah jawapan bagi anda yang ingin mencuba untuk membuat roti sendiri dirumah. Dengan harga yang berbaloi-baloi anda boleh memilikinya tanpa berfikir 2 kali. Dengan bayaran ansuran mudah yang ditawarkan di Khind Online Store, jangan teragak-agak lagi untuk memiliki perkakas dapur yang mudah digunakan ini. Membuat roti kini tidak lagi menjadi urusan susah dengan Khind Bread Maker BM750. Milikinya sekarang!

Baiklah, mari kita dapatkan ulasan produk perkakas dapur yang seterusnya iaitu Khind 52L Electric Oven OT5205 pada entri yang seterusnya.

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